Today's Hours: 10am – 4pm

In 2025, the Center for African American Military History (CAAMH), which operates the Buffalo Soldiers National Museum (BSNM), will celebrate the 160th Anniversary of Juneteenth with a three-day celebration (June 19-21) centered on community engagement, empowerment, and education. The celebration will include exhibits, panel discussions, artistic installations, and interpretations related to the Emancipation Proclamation complemented by a living history encampment.

Purpose and Goals

Juneteenth@160 is a unique opportunity for all communities to gather, celebrate, and learn. BSNM has a special focus on youth, educators, history enthusiasts, and lifelong learners so that we, the people, develop a more meaningful understanding of the historical context of Juneteenth. The Emancipation Proclamation’s essence was to free all formerly enslaved African Americans; however, in Texas, news and freedom arrived late. Juneteenth was the catalyst to emancipation for all African Americans, including those in Texas. The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments cemented the road to citizenship.

Since the late 19th Century and to the present, Juneteenth has been a time of celebration, reflection, and empowerment in the African American community, which has evolved into the Federal Holiday that it is today. Through the 19th and 20th Centuries, Juneteenth has been revered throughout the African American community as well as other communities far and wide in the United States. In 2021, with the leadership of the Late Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee, Juneteenth became the 11th Federal Holiday. While we, the American community, embrace and support the nationwide observances, we are also mindful to shine a light on the rich, as well as ghastly, history of Juneteenth, its impact on African Americans and all Americans, and the unique roles of Texas, the United States Colored Troops (USCT) and the Buffalo Soldiers.

The event will anchor Juneteenth in its historical context and center the Emancipation Proclamation as a moment in time and as the start of a reckoning toward the true creed of liberty and justice for all, which remains in process.

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THE SChedule

Juneteenth@160 will span three days, hosted by the Buffalo Soldiers National Museum and partnering organizations, with all events free of charge.

Opening Juneteenth Exhibition Reception

Thursday, June 19, 2025 | University Museum at Texas Southern University
6:00 Pm - 8:30 PM

The celebration will launch with the Juneteenth Exhibition Opening and Panel Discussion, “Terms & Conditions: The Promise versus The Reality”. The reception will feature key scholars, visual arts, and a culinary experience that highlights African Americans Military contributions and explores the nuances of liberation in America.

Juneteenth Living History Encampment

Friday & Saturday, June 20-21 2025 | Buffalo SolDiers National Museum
10:00 Am - 4:00 PM

A family-friendly festival on the lawn behind BSNM featuring a living history encampment of the United States Colored Troops, arts and crafts, demonstrations, family activities, and a marketplace with Black and Veteran-owned businesses and community organizations. Educational festivities inside the museum include interactive stations with a reflection space, community oral history project, genealogy, and opportunities for healing and wellness, performances, and a youth history activation.

Juneteenth Call to Action closing party

Saturday, June 21, 2025
El Dorado Ballroom
8:00 PM - 11:00 PM

The festival will close with a private call to action reception to blend celebration with impactful and purposeful action, fostering local community goals, education, and collective action throughout the year.

Sponsorship opportunities

Sponsorships enable Juneteenth@160 to be free and open to all. They will also equip the Center for African American Military History to leverage its resources, the Buffalo Soldiers National Museum collection, and partners to provide educational experiences that will further transform our society into a more knowledgeable, engaged, and socially active citizenry, including intellectual curiosity, improved mental and physical health, and other community and societal benefits.Sponsors are included in publicity, invited to special previews and experiences, and have opportunities to host programming before and after the event

Juneteenth@160 Sponsorship Opportunites


Juneteenth Free Admission Thursdays and Corporate Volunteer

BSNM will offer free admission throughout the month of June with its Free Thursdays initiative. This sponsorship celebrates Emancipation Day and creates a meaningful corporate volunteer opportunity.

  • Sponsor branding for free admission press releases, signage, media, and websites
  • Sponsor branding for event press releases, signage, media, and websites
  • Invitation for up to 4 people to the opening exhibition press preview, including gallery talk with Curator, BSNM Staff, and exhibition artists.
  • Priority seating for up to 6 people at the festival in the Sponsors’ Tent
  • Recognition and a speaking opportunity at the festival
  • Museum visit photos and impact stories from participants for sponsor’s publicity


Freedom Readers Project

With the commitment and passion to further promote, engage, and educate the community about the historical and current-day significance of Juneteenth, the Project in partnership with local and Black-owned Kindred Stories bookstore presents a curated book series, author discussions, community giveaways, and reading parties as well as the distribution of books and educational resources.

  • Sponsor logo and naming rights for Freedom Readers Project
  • Sponsor recognition via branded gift bag items and supplies
  • Sponsor table in BSNM during the two-day festival
  • Sponsor branding for event press releases, signage, media, and websites
  • Invitation for up to 4 people to the opening exhibition press preview, including gallery talk with Curator, BSNM Staff, and exhibition artists.
  • Priority seating for up to 6 people at the festival in the Sponsors’ Tent
  • Recognition and a speaking opportunity at the festival
  • Post-event photos and impact stories from participants for sponsor’s publicity


Roots & Resilience at the Museum: A Juneteenth Learning Experience | June 20-21, 2025

BSNM activities will provide immersive, educational experiences that engage diverse audiences through interactive animation demos, genealogy, wellness workshops, community art projects, and youth history activations. Your sponsorship will support meaningful community engagement, promoting cultural awareness, and lifelong learning.

  • Sponsor logo and naming rights for Roots & Resilience at the Museum collateral
  • Sponsor branding for event press releases, signage, media, and websites
  • Sponsor table in BSNM during the two-day festival
  • Sponsor recognition via branded gift bag items and supplies
  • Invitation for up to 4 people to opening exhibition press preview, including gallery talk with Curator, BSNM Staff, and exhibition artists
  • Priority seating for up to 6 people at the festival in the Sponsors’ Tent
  • Recognition and a speaking opportunity at education day and festival
  • Post-event photos and impact stories from participants for sponsor’s publicity


Juneteenth Museum Exhibition | June 19, 2025

To kick off the celebratory weekend, BSNM opens a special Juneteenth exhibition, featuring contemporary visions of freedom and solidarity, integrated with Houston’s Juneteenth archives.

  • Sponsor logo and naming rights for Juneteenth exhibition collateral
  • Recognition in exhibit-specific materials
  • Sponsor table in BSNM during the two-day festival
  • Sponsor branding for event press releases, signage, media, and websites
  • Invitation for up to 10 people to opening exhibition press preview, including gallery talk with Curator, BSNM Staff, and exhibition artists
  • Priority seating for up to 10 people at the festival in the Sponsors’ Tent
  • Recognition and a speaking opportunity at the reception and festival
  • Post-event photos and impact stories from participants for sponsor’s publicity


Juneteenth Living History Festival | June 20-21, 2025

The sponsorship provides meaningful leadership and financial support to deliver a myriad of activities and programs, including youth and family programming, a marketplace with Black and Veteran-owned businesses and community organizations, performances, and bus tours to Freedmen’s Town.

  • Sponsor logo and naming rights for Juneteenth Living History Festival collateral
  • Sponsor branding for event press releases, signage, media, and websites
  • Sponsor table in BSNM during the two-day festival
  • Invitation for up to 10 people to opening exhibition press preview, including gallery talk with Curator, BSNM Staff, and exhibition artists
  • Priority seating for up to 10 people at the festival in the Sponsors’ Tent
  • Recognition and a speaking opportunity at the festival
  • Post-event photos and impact stories from participants for sponsor’s publicity

Become a Sponsor today!

Please consider being a sponsor. Your gift helps us honor the legacy of Juneteenth and African American Soldiers.

Community Partner opportunities

Support Juneteenth @ 160! Partner with the Buffalo Soldiers National Museum commemorative and historical Juneteenth to preserve history, inspire generations, and build a stronger community. Community Partner opportunities are available for $15,000 or less, making it easy to align your organization with this impactful mission and program.

Juneteenth@160 Community Partner Opportunities

All Community Partners will receive recognition on our social media platforms and your business name will be featured as a Community Partner on the website and event program


Artist Sponsorship | Up to 15 Available


Black-Owned and Veteran Market and Supplies


Food for Living Historians & Volunteers


Family & Youth Activities and U.S.C.T Research


Shuttle Bus Rental for U.S.C.T.


Overnight & Visitor Security



Flights for U.S.C.T.

Become a Community Partner today!

Please consider being a Community Partner. Your gift helps us honor the legacy of Juneteenth and African American Soldiers.